Bacterial Gastroenteritis

DescriptionBacterial gastroenteritis is a very common disorder. Bacterial gastroenteritis is a disorder of the stomach and the intestines caused by bacteria.These disorders have many causes, can range from mild to severe, and usually manifests with symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort. Another reason some of these symptoms, including viral infection, improper diet, malabsorption syndrome, various enteropathies, and inflammatory bowel disease. So far, the most common complication is dehydration.Some disturbing examples of bacteria that include: Campylobacter jejuni (Campylobacter enteritis), Clostridium, E.coli (E. coli enteritis), Salmonella (Salmonella enteritis), Shigella (Sh, igella enteritis), Yersinia.SymptomSome organisms cause different symptoms, but common symptoms include: nause and vomiting, abdominal cramps, or abdominal pain.TreatmentBecause most infections are not contagious diarrhea, treatment is primarily medical in nature. Oral rehydration is the mainstay of treatment. Infants at high risk for secondary complications, by Karen and require close monitoring, as did their parents. Consider intravenous rehydration when oral rehydration is not successful. Particular attention should be paid to the needs of the potassium you need.