
DescriptionAbscess is an inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding skin. The most common cause is the bacteria staphylococcus aureus. Initially only the infected hair follicle, but then because of the friction, iristasi, and less caring for the body of the infection can spread to the surrounding tissue and become ulcers. Other causes can also occur because of an ingrown hair that causes injury so that foreign objects into the skin.Ulcer started with red bumps and soft on the skin area, which gradually become harder. Then in the middle of the lump that formed a white top – that will break down or be removed.There are several types of boils, acne cysts – usually occurs in young skin, hidranetitis suppurativa – kalenjar local inflammation due to sweat. Abscess of this type arise more than one fruit, the location d armpit or groin area, pilonidal cyst – usually grows in the folds of the buttocks. At first only in the form of infection in the hair follicle, and then added irritation from pressure from sitting too long.SignAbscess is characterized by pain, inflammation and swelling.HealingTo ripen quickly boils to burst with hot compresses for 30 minutes performed two times a day.For patients with ulcers are advised to not push yourself, to avoid infection.